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אתר אמנים מיועד לשתף אמנים ואומנות שימושית, כשהמטרה היא אחת - יצירות יפות ונעימות לעין ולגרום לעונג למסתכל בהם. האתר מאפשר לכל אמן או פעילות הקשורה לאמנות לפתוח עמוד אישי באתר - חינם ללא עלות. ניתן גם לפרסם סדנאות ואירועים כגון תערוכה או בית פתוח. אמנים מוזמנים לכתוב ביקורות על תערוכות ששוות צפיה. לפני הוספת תוכן בפעם הראשונה - נא לקרוא ראשית הנחיות. מוזמנים להתחבר לדף העדכונים בפייסבוק. דיוור על אמנות ממבחר אתרים בארץ.
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Sunday, November 2, 2014. Barbara Harvey, Barbara Barefield, Julie Hurwitz and Bill Meyer. Invite you to a Fundraising Brunch. Enjoy live music with Bill Meyer on piano and Victor Ghannam on oud,. Delicious food and Freedom Theatre presentation. Alia Al Rosan, a student in the acting school.
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Armenian Chat - Chat with 100s of Armenians in global Armenian Chat Room. Chat with Armenians from Glendale, Armenian Chat in Hollywood, Armenian Chat in Los Angeles and more - ArmenianChat. Istanbul street to be renamed after Hrant Dink. Armenian manuscript goes on display in Manchester. Six earthquakes registered in Armenia in past seven days. Chat is connected to popular IRC Chat Armenian Group. Armenian Chat Is Now on.
Thursday, September 10, 2009. Akopian has also coaching .
Clergy and altar servers at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Doves on Easter Sunday at St. Click here to learn more. Get Involved, Join Us. The Divine Liturgy is the main worship service of the Armenian Church. Genocide Centennial Concert Offers a Feast of History, Talent, and Pride. Some 2,000 listeners were led on A Journey Through 100 Years of Armenian Music. Genocide Centennial in New York City.
Арменска Апостолическа Православна Църква - Сурп Аствадзадзин - Русе. На 25 февруари в русенската арменска църква на върх празника на духовенството Хевонтянц се отслужи празнична литургия от Епископ Датев Агопян-Му. Kакто всяка година и тази година се организира почистване на църквата за храмовия празник и приготвяне на курбан. КРИСДОС ХАРЯВ И МЕРЕЛОЦ! КРИСДОС ХАРЯВ И МЕРЕЛОЦ Скъпи приятели сънародници! Стипе.
Арменската Апостолическа Църква е една от древноизточните църкви и от най-древните християнски църкви. Християнството е донесено в Армения от апостолите Вартоломей и Тадей, поради което се нарича Апостолическа. Арменците са нация, живееща в Кавказкия регион и Мала Азия. КАМПАНИЯ ЗА НАБИРАНЕ НА СРЕДСТВА.